川崎製鉄における技術開発 50 年の歩みと今後の展望 [P.155-163] [PDF: 11P/763KB]
Transition of Technological Developments
during the Last 50 Years in Kawasaki Steel
and Future Prospect
數土 文夫(Fumio Sudo) 藤井 徹也(Tetsuya Fujii)
鉄钢の未来を创造する研究开発 [P.164-168] [PDF: 6P/332KB] Research and Development Creating the Future
of Steel
小原 隆史(Takashi Obara)
环境调和型製鉄所を目指して [P.169-174] [PDF: 7P/449KB]
Aim for Environment-conscious Steel Works
白石 典久(Norihisa Shiraishi) 前澤 利春(Toshiharu Maezawa) 白井 眞一(Shin-ichi Shirai)
プロパテント时代に応える知的财产部门 [P.175-178] [PDF: 6P/298KB] Intellectual Property Department Being Active
in ?Pro-Patent? Era
中野 善文(Yoshifumi Nakano)
ネットワーク时代の情报システム [P.179-182] [PDF: 5P/270KB]
Information Systems in the Era of Network
福村 聡(Satoshi Fukumura) 原田 敬太(Keita Harada) 佐能 克明(Katsuaki Sanou)
鉄钢生产の基盘を支え続ける製铣?製钢技术 [P.183-190] [PDF: 10P/557KB]
Ironmaking and Steelmaking Technologies as
Fundamentals for the Steel Production
上谷 年男(Toshio Uetani) 別所 永康(Nagayasu Bessho)
鉄钢生产の変革と设备技术の発展 [P.191-197] [PDF: 9P/525KB]
Progress of Mechanical Equipment, Process
Control and Instrumentation Technologies
for Innovation in Steel Production Processes
松田 恵嗣(Keiji Matsuda) 増野 豈彦(Yasuhiko Mashino)
鋼構造物の信頼性向上と経済性追求に貢献する高性能厚钢板 [P.198-204] [PDF: 8P/464KB]
Development of High Performance Steel Plates
in Terms of Reliability and Economy of Steel
谷川 治(Osamu Tanigawa) 郡山 猛(Takeshi Kohriyama) 天野 虔一(Keniti Amano)
顾客ニーズに応える新机能,高机能薄钢板 [P.205-209] [PDF: 6P/382KB]
Newly Developed Steel Sheet with New and
Advanced Functions to Meet Customers? Needs
戸部 俊一(Toshikazu Tobe) 清野 芳一(Yoshikazu Seino)
省エネルギー技術のトップランナーをになう电磁钢板 [P.210-214] [PDF: 6P/306KB]
Electrical Steels as a Top-runner for Serving
Energy Efficiency Technologies
小松原 道郎(Michiro Komatsubara)小畑 良夫(Yoshio Obata)山田 茂樹(Shigeki Yamada)
多様な机能と製品で普及を続けるステンレス钢 [P.215-221] [PDF: 8P/437KB]
Stainless Steel Increasing in Demand with
蓮野 貞夫(Sadao Hasuno) 白石 昌司(Masaji Shiraishi)
地球環境保全に貢献する高機能钢管 [P.222-229] [PDF: 9P/489KB]
High Performance Pipe and Tubes Contributing
to Earth Environment Preservation
川崎 博章(Hiroaki Kawasaki) 豊岡 高明(Takaaki Toyooka) 木村 光男(Mitsuo Kimura)
21 世紀のインフラを支える形钢 [P.230-233] [PDF: 5P/290KB]
Steel Section Products for Current and 21st
Century Social Infrastructure Applications
今村 晴幸(Haruyuki Imamura) 林 宏之(Hiroyuki Hayashi) 木村 保(Tamotsu Kimura)
地球环境にやさしい棒钢?线材 [P.234-238] [PDF: 6P/328KB]
Environmentally Friendly Bars and Wire Rod
今村 晴幸(Haruyuki Imamura) 天野 虔一(Keniti Amano) 笹田 幹雄(Mikio Sasada)
鉄を支える溶接材料と溶接技术 [P.239-244] [PDF: 7P/423KB]
Welding Materials and Technologies Expanding
the Application of Steels
安田 功一(Koichi Yasuda) 山口 忠政(Tadamasa Yamaguchi)
多様な机能で鉄の用途を広げる鉄粉 [P.245-248] [PDF: 6P/287KB]
Iron Powders Expand Applications of Iron
with Various Functions
小倉 邦明(Kuniaki Ogura)
循环型社会に贡献する环境事业 [P.249-256] [PDF: 9P/577KB]
Environmental Business Contributing to Resource
Recycling Society
山田 純夫(Sumio Yamada) 安川 登(Noboru Yasukawa)
顾客ニーズに応える製鉄?プラント事业 [P.257-259] [PDF: 5P/318KB]
Steel Plant Engineering & Construction
Division, Expanding for a ?Solution Business?
for Customers
藤岡 正和(Masakazu Fujioka) 貝原 利一(Toshikazu Kaihara) 御厨 尚(Takashi Mikuriya)
化学事业分野における高机能材料 [P.274-276] [PDF: 4P/256KB]
Highly-Functional Materials in the Chemical
Business Field
飯塚 安伸(Yasunobu Iizuka) 鈴木 利英(Toshihide Suzuki) 後藤 聡志(Satoshi Gotoh)
と機器 [P.277-280] [PDF: 5P/272KB]
LSIs and Equipment for High Speed and Diversified
Digital Communication Network
山内 由紀夫(Yukio Yamauchi) 小川 哲男(Tetsuo Ogawa)