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Energy savingCO2reductionEnergy cost minimization

Data Science

Energy Optimization Guidance System

Achieves energy saving, CO2reduction and cost minimization
in steel works fuel and power management.

Solution Point

  • Enables appropriate supply-and-demand adjustment of byproduct gas storage and discharge.
  • Possible to optimize the purchase amounts of city gas and electric power.
  • Can achieve energy saving, CO2 reduction and reduction of fuel and power costs.

Features 01

Expected Problems
?Isn't it desirable to optimize management of fuels and electric power used in your plant as a whole?
?In fuel and power management, do you operate based on data for the supply-and-demand situation, the operating conditions of power generating equipment, contracts with power and gas companies, etc.?
?As evaluation variables, do you control the allocation of byproduct gases to each process, purchase amount of electric power, purchase amounts of fuels (heavy oil, city gas, etc.), storage amounts of byproduct gases, etc. so as to minimize costs and energy loss?
?Are inexperienced operators able to judge operation to achieve a better energy balance?

Features 02

Technology highlight
In the newly-developed Guidance System, using (1) a huge amount of measurement data obtained in real time based on the concept of CPS and (2) the detailed production plans of each plant, the system predicts the supply-and-demand situation from the present to the future with high accuracy by modeling the physical phenomena of the prediction target, and performs calculations of supply-and-demand predictions. (3) Considering the operational constraints, characteristics and contractual information on the various types of power-generating equipment in the steel works, etc., (4) the system finds the optimum operation conditions for minimizing energy purchases from outside sources and (5) provides the results to operators as guidance.

Guidance System

Until now, operation was premised on the gas supply-and-demand balance at the present point in time and daily production plans. The introduction of this system enables appropriate supply-and-demand management of byproduct gas storage and discharge based on highly-accurate fuel and power supply-and-demand predictions using real-time measurement data and production plans, making it possible to optimize the amounts of purchased city gas and electric power. In comparison with the conventional operation based on the experience and skill of operators, more efficient operation has become possible, achieving energy saving, CO2 reduction and reduction of fuel and power costs.

※CPS:Cyber-Physical Systems
System in which sensor data collected from the real production process (Physical) is analyzed by AI, and an advanced virtual process (Cyber) is reproduced in digital space using a proprietary method, and the two are linked in real time.

Features 03

Proposed Solutions (Examples)
?System for obtaining the optimum operation conditions for minimizing energy purchases from outside sources by fuel & power simulation, and displaying the results to the operator as guidance.
?Energy saving, CO2 reduction and reduction of fuel & power costs by efficient energy management.
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